Sunday, September 6, 2009

Flipbook Contest Launch

Southern Shorts launches Moving Picture-Flipbook Contest. Please visit the link to read today's article about the contest:


You may also visit our website to download rules and instructions at

What is a flipbook?

Flip books are essentially a primitive form of animation. Like motion pictures, they rely on persistence of vision to create the illusion that continuous motion is being seen rather than a series of discontinuous images being exchanged in succession. Rather than "reading" left to right, a viewer simply stares at the same location of the pictures in the flip book as the pages turn. The book must also be flipped with enough speed for the illusion to work, so the standard way to "read" a flip book is to hold the book with one hand and flip through its pages with the thumb of the other hand. The German word for flip book—Daumenkino, literally "thumb cinema"—reflects this process. (Wikapedia)

Below are links to some examples of simple flipbooks.

With vellum paper:

With post-its:

How to videos:

This is just one link, once you get on the site there is a series of several video how tos.

You can use an materials, the most important thing is to use your creativity!

Good luck!